COVID-19 Ration Support


The daunting economic slowdown, a direct result of the global COVID-19 outbreak, especially impacted individuals who live below the poverty line and account for nearly 25% of Pakistan’s population. Laborers and daily-wage workers have been adversely affected by this pandemic which has impeded their ability to maintain their livelihood. Their immediate need for daily survival is predominantly food, which we were able to address through our ration distribution efforts to a great extent.

During the global pandemic, we have made significant efforts to provide resources for the ultra-poor residing in rural areas of Pakistan. Our beneficiaries reside in rural areas within Thatta District, Sindh Province of Pakistan. As the country transitioned into a state of lockdown in March of 2020 to battle the COVID-19 outbreak, local non-profit organizations like KWA played an integral role in stemming the economic burden on low-income families by providing them rations (food) and means to obtain medical assistance.

Due to the numerous donors and supporters globally, KWA exceeded its goal of providing ration in just its first day of its awareness! Over the course of three months, we raised enough funds to distribute ration for up to fourteen days at a time to over 3000 households across hundreds of villages in the Thatta District. Our goal is to continue supporting those in dire need so they have essential resources of survival in place to combat the unforeseen effects of the pandemic.


To donate, visit our Donation Page or contact us for more information.